WIS Alumni
Welcome WIS alumni!
All former students of WIS who have completed one semester of study at WIS are considered alumni of the school we want our alumni to remain as part of the WIS family and stay connected with the school, your teachers and classmates.
We also encourage our alumni here and overseas to stay connected to the school and keep up with WIS news from a distance. Alumni are encouraged to take part in school functions such as sports activities and annual events where possible.
As an alumni, there are many ways in which you can choose to support fellow WIS alumni or students in the school. It could take the form of sharing your university experiences with students, mentoring a student, giving a career talk to our students, providing work experiences for students or informing fellow alumni about work opportunities in your company!
Simply join the school’s mailing list to receive the latest in news and events about the school, make your voice heard or contribute to your alma mater in one way or another.
Our alumni are always a part of the WIS family!
2021 Graduates ​
The WIS graduates of 2021 were accepted to some spectacular universities around Canada and the United Kingdom! Congratulations to the following students:
Bai, Shanshan (Isabella)
University of Toronto Mississauga (Commerce)
McMaster University - Business
Cheng, Ke (Jerry)
McMaster University (Business)
McMaster- Economics
University of Toronto -Arts and Science
University of Toronto -Studies in Commerce
Ryerson University - Business Management
Cheng, Qi (Terry)
McMaster University (Business)
University of Toronto - Chemical and Physical Science
McMaster- Chemical & Physical Sci Gateway
Ryerson University -Electrical Engineering (with scholarship $4,000)
Jian, Yixin (Phoenix)
University of Toronto - Scarborough Social Science and Humanities
Lin, Zhenni (Jenny)
University Of Toronto - Mississauga Co-op - Mathematics
McMaster University - Mathematics
McMaster- Economics (with scholarship $3,000)
Lyu, Hanchen (Jason)
University of Waterloo, Legal Studies (with scholarship $1,000)
University of Toronto - Management
Peng, Xinwen (Emma)
University of Toronto, Mississauga Information and Technology
Durham University (UK)
University of Southampton (UK) - Education
University College London (UK) -Education
University of Victoria - Art History and Visual Arts
Shi, Yutong (Claudia)
Western University Food and Nutritional Science (with scholarship $6,000)
University of Toronto - Psychology
Guelph University - Food Industry Management
Sobotie, Caleb
Brock University Psychology
Wilfrid Laurier University - Psychology
Sun, Dian
University of Manchester (UK) Education
University of Leeds (UK) - Linguistics
King's College London
Tang, Xiaoyun (Noki)
University of Waterloo Mathematics
University of Toronto
McMaster University
York University
Wang, Wei (William)
University of Waterloo Mathematics
Queen's University - Arts and Science
Wang, Zicong (Curry)
University of Toronto - Mississauga Management
Wilfrid Laurier University
Xu, Yang (Alan)
University of Toronto -Mississauga Computer Science
McMaster University - Math & Statistics Gateway (with scholarship $1,000)
Wilfrid Laurier University
Zhang, Jingyuan (Jeremy)
University of Toronto Rotman Commerce
University of Waterloo
Western University - Management and Organizational Studies (with scholarship $8,000)
McMaster University - Computer Science (with scholarship $3,000) McMaster University - Business 1 (with scholarship $6,000)
Wilfrid Laurier University - Computer Science (with scholarship $4,000)
Wilfrid Laurier University - Business & Math (with scholarship $4,000)
Zhang, Lanyu (Catherine)
University of Waterloo Mathematics
University of Toronto - Rotman Commerce
Western University
McMaster University
Wilfrid Laurier University - Business & Math
2020 Graduates ​
The WIS graduates of 2020 went through a difficult year with the challenging COVID-19 pandemic causing major disruption to their in-class learning. However, they were accepted to some amazing universities around Canada! We are thrilled to see them succeed and go onto exciting new challenges. Congratulations to the following students:
Chen, Yuzheng (Nolan)
University of Toronto
University of Toronto - Mathematical and Physical Science
University of Toronto - Arts and Science
University of Ottawa - Science Electrical Engineering
McMaster Univeristy - Engineering
Queen's University -Computing
Wilfrid Laurier University - Computer Science & Physics
Feng, Nabaichuan (Ethan)
University of Waterloo
University of Waterloo - Mathematics
University of Waterloo - Coop - Mathematics
Waterloo University - Mathematics/Financial Analysis and Risk Management
Wilfrid Laurier University - Business Wilfrid Laurier University - Business(WLU) & BMath (UW)
Jin, Ruyi
Queen's University
McGill University - Arts
Queen's University -Arts and Science Queen's University - Business Western University - Management & Organisation Studies
McMaster University - Economics
McMaster University - Business Wilfrid Laurier University -Economics with Management Option
Li, Xinyi (Linda)
University of Waterloo Coop - Mathematics
University of Toronto - Arts & Science (with Scholarship $7,500) University of Waterloo - Mathematics
University of Waterloo - Business (WLU) & Mathematics (Waterloo) double degree University of Waterloo - Science
McMaster University - Math & Statistics Gateway
Li, Zhuoheng (Eric)
University of Waterloo
Wilfrid Laurier University - Financial Mathematics
Lin, Lu (Margaret)
University of Toronto
University of Toronto -Information and Technology
University of Toronto -Arts and Science
University of Toronto -Co-op Management
Queen's University - Commerce Wilfrid Laurier University - Management
Western University - Management & Organisation Studies
Western University - Media Information and Technology
Su, Haixin (Max)
McMaster University
McMaster University - Business Ryerson University
Tang, Shirong (Daisy)
McMaster University
University of Toronto
Wang, Bin (Owen)
McMaster University
McMaster University - Social Science
Wu, Ruowei
Guelph University
Wu, Xingyu (Shawn)
Wilfrid Laurier University
Yen, Hseuh- Ruei (Hans)
Wilfrid Laurier University
Wilfrid Laurier University - Human & Soical Sciences
Zhang, Shanhui (Drake)
Wilfrid Laurier University
Zhang, Xiaoli (Shirley)
McMaster University
Wilfrid Laurier University - Business Wilfrid Laurier University - Psychology
McMaster University - Social Science
Zheng, Hao (Jeremy)
Wilfrid Laurier University
Wilfrid Laurier University - BA Economics, with Accounting or Financial Management